Lomé-Tokoin Airport i Lome

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Lome, Togo
Kontakter telefon: +228 22 23 60 60
Hjemmeside: www.aeroport-lome.com
Latitude: 6.1705463, Longitude: 1.2530654
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Kommentar 5

  • tosan clarke

    tosan clarke


    Short of the delayed flights, it was a good stop over. The staff where really helpful and tried to calm the nerves of passengers. The facilities are pretty new and well maintained

  • Ciaran Brooks

    Ciaran Brooks


    Good airport - modern and clean. Nowhere near operating capacity yet (only three flights scheduled and about 15 gates), but maybe in the future it will fill up.

  • Oluwaseyi Ayodeji

    Oluwaseyi Ayodeji


    It’s clean, modern and well maintained. I was genuinely impressed being a Nigerian and knowing the deplorable state of my country’s airport (I know some rehab has recently been done but that airport is absolutely inept for the traffic it receives and for a country like Nigeria). Note: It would help if you can speak some French though. Personnel aren’t particularly helpful or don’t make an attempt if you can’t speak their language. Can’t say I was surprised though. Over all I had a good experience.

  • Nadia C

    Nadia C


    The airport has changed so much in 10 years. Wow! It is nice. The staff is friendly but can be difficult to understand, and I'm not talking accents or language. There were two different security points before getting to the gate. After an hour of walking around and shopping I decided to head to my gate. Lo and behold another security station!! I bought a bottle of water INSIDE and they still wouldn't let me in with it. Someone else had purchased a bottle of liquor and was told he couldn't take it on the plane. Again, this was after two other security points. I'm not following the logic behind their procedures which makes for a frustrating experience.

  • Rebekah Schwartz

    Rebekah Schwartz


    Airport is clean and modern. But security considers empty water bottles contraband so make sure to check any water bottles. Also we had to get expensive visas just to reclaim our luggage and make a connecting flight. I'm avoiding this airport in the future.

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