Polyclinic St. Joseph i Lome

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Lome, Togo
Kontakter telefon: +228 22 26 72 32
Hjemmeside: www.stjoclinic-togo.com
Latitude: 6.173833, Longitude: 1.2412314
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Kommentar 3

  • Lennesima Mail

    Lennesima Mail


    I had a terrible experience. Here are the reasons: 1.extremely poor communication. When I was hospitalized, nurses started to provide me with treatments before I had a previous discussion with a doctor. During the two days I spent there, I asked several times to talk to one, but it never happened. They showed up in a group of 7/8 individuals in the morning and had a very patronizing and dismissive attitude. 2. useless expensive blood tests. They ordered expensive tests despite knowing that the medicament I was taking would have falsified the results. When, after my requests (!), they communicated them, they also blamed my behavior for producing such useless data. 3. the lab results record sheet had the result of a stool test for which I had never provided a sample. It was negative. They told me it was good news. 4. When I overheard that they wanted to keep me for observation for three more days, I shared my decision to leave to go to another clinic. They couldn’t say no, but they made me wait half day to receive the necessary paperwork. 5. ... and finally the bill! They made a mistake and made me pay (of course) for the most expensive room. They also made me pay for tests I had not yet taken. When I asked for clarifications they told me I would have to take them the next days for the follow up. But they already billed me without asking. What else to say? It seems that 15 years ago this was a great clinic. Don’t go there: it is no longer the case. They only seem to be in the business of making money.




  • Alawo Yamin

    Alawo Yamin


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